Wednesday, 1 February 2012

more goals

I'm going to wait to start the big paintings until after I speak with Mark.  Just looking at them I don't really know where to begin.
I have resolved to work mostly from photo references for the sake of practicality and I've lined up three subjects.  so far..
In the mean time I want to finish up two or three little paintings, probably just basic portrait shots, in the next week.
If I'm feeling good about those then maybe I'll finish the evil looking self portrait that's currently dead-eye glaring at me on the other side of my room.  That would be nice to get rid of.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Spring! Semester (ha.)

So the idea is to do some big stuff, working on the gainsborough, reynolds, romney, sargent trajectory. A few full length life size portraits with the subjects wearing their nice clothes. The whole idea of showing off wealth, number one in the commissioning of the portrait, number two in the costume worn for it is a theme I'm interested in exploring. Based on the paucity of modeling... I'm going to also be working on a master copy or something to just practice brushwork. Because the plan is to work on such a large scale I'm not really expecting to do a lot of these. But I'm not sure yet how many not a lot is either. Another scale issue - I'm going to have to do a long of canvas building, I'm assuming I'll need a pretty good support system for it so the building is what I want to work on for Monday. With all of that I'm going to keep doing the monster a days and maybe continue the Northern Lights panels to keep some variety/freshness in there.  

yay portraits